
Histori SDK for TypeScript

Histori SDK Banner

The Histori SDK is the easiest way to interact with the Histori API for working with historical blockchain data. This SDK supports various blockchain networks, including Ethereum Mainnet and Testnets.

Recommended: Use Node.js v18 or above for the best experience.

Note: An API key is required. You can register for a free key on the Histori website.

For detailed API documentation and additional examples, visit the official Histori SDK Documentation or the Interactive Histori API Documentation

Install the SDK using npm:

npm install @esscrypt/histori-sdk

The HistoriClient is the main entry point for interacting with the Histori API. You need to pass your API key and optional settings to configure the default version and network.

import HistoriClient from '@esscrypt/histori-sdk';

const client = new HistoriClient('<YOUR_API_KEY>');

The getTokens method retrieves a list of tokens with pagination options. It accepts an object with descriptive properties to specify the pagination parameters and any optional query parameters.

const tokens = await client.TokenService.getTokens();

You can use the BalanceService to fetch the balance of a specific wallet for a given token:

const balance = await client.BalanceService.getBalance({
holder: 'vitalik.eth',
tokenAddress: '0xF2ec4a773ef90c58d98ea734c0eBDB538519b988',
tag: 20853281,

The AllowanceService can be used to get the allowance between an owner and a spender for a specific token:

const allowance = await client.AllowanceService.getAllowance({
owner: '0xa24D38b1B49E32c1c63731810a8D42ec9dd9aa8C',
spender: '0x858646372CC42E1A627fcE94aa7A7033e7CF075A',
tokenAddress: '0xae7ab96520DE3A18E5e111B5EaAb095312D7fE84',
tag: 20984269,

Fetch the ETH to USDT price from the Uniswap V3 pool. Example:

const price = await client.UniswapV3Service.getETHToUSDTPrice();
console.log('ETH to USDT Price:', price);

import HistoriClient from '@esscrypt/histori-sdk';

// Initialize HistoriClient with your API key
const client = new HistoriClient('<YOUR_API_KEY>');

// Example 1: Fetch paginated tokens
async function fetchTokens() {
const tokens = await client.TokenService.getTokens();
console.log('Tokens:', tokens);

// Example 2: Fetch balance for a wallet as of specific date
async function fetchBalance() {
const balance = await client.BalanceService.getBalance({
holder: 'vitalik.eth',
tokenAddress: '0xF2ec4a773ef90c58d98ea734c0eBDB538519b988',
tag: new Date('2024-10-22')
console.log('Balance:', balance);

// Example 3: Fetch allowance for owner and spender as of specific date
async function fetchAllowance() {
const allowance = await client.AllowanceService.getAllowance({
owner: '0xa24D38b1B49E32c1c63731810a8D42ec9dd9aa8C',
spender: '0x858646372CC42E1A627fcE94aa7A7033e7CF075A',
tokenAddress: '0xae7ab96520DE3A18E5e111B5EaAb095312D7fE84',
tag: new Date('2024-10-22')
console.log('Allowance:', allowance);

// Example 4: Fetch the current block height for specific network
async function fetchBlockHeight() {
const blockHeight = await client.ChainService.getBlockHeight();
console.log('Block Height:', blockHeight);

// Example 5: Fetch gas info for common transaction types
async function fetchGasPrice() {
const gasPrice = await client.ChainService.getGasInfo({
type: 'native_transfer',
console.log('Gas Info:', gasPrice);

// Example 6: Fetch transaction details based on transaction hash
async function fetchTransactionDetails() {
const transaction = await client.TransactionService.getTransactionDetails({
txHash: '0xf85e0f37296608a3a23ffd8b2349c4cb25e9174d357c32d4416d3eb1d214080e',
console.log('Transaction Details:', transaction);

// Example 7: Fetch Historical token supply as of specific block height
async function fetchTokenSupply() {
const tokenSupply = await client.TokenSupplyService.getTokenSupply({
tokenAddress: '0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f',
tag: 20000000,
console.log('Token Supply:', tokenSupply);

// Example 8: Fetch the current ETH to USDT price from Uniswap V3
async function fetchETHToUSDTPrice() {
const price = await client.UniswapV3Service.getETHToUSDPrice();
console.log('ETH to USDT Price:', price);

// Example 9: Fetch NFT token URI
async function fetchNFTTokenUri() {
const tokenUri = await client.NFTService.getTokenUri({
tokenAddress: '0x630aa263CD2D9afed696AC6ca76268AFcD0ab1b2',
tokenId: 1,
console.log('NFT Token URI:', tokenUri);

// Example 10: Check NFT ownership as of specific Date
async function checkNFTOwnership() {
const is_owner: boolean = await client.NFTService.isOwnerOfToken({
tokenAddress: '0xB3e782D5919924Faa456B5b5689B0A45963da4b7',
owner: '0xd5470BaFb6074B10107b303D0cCe03cA5539b6E3',
tokenId: 1,
tag: new Date('2024-10-22')
console.log('Is Owner:', is_owner);

// Run all examples
async function runAllExamples() {
await fetchTokens();
await fetchBalance();
await fetchAllowance();
await fetchBlockHeight();
await fetchGasPrice();
await fetchTransactionDetails();
await fetchTokenSupply();
await fetchETHToUSDTPrice();
await fetchNFTTokenUri();
await checkNFTOwnership();

runAllExamples().then(() => {
console.log('All examples executed successfully');
}).catch((error) => {
console.error('Error executing examples:', error);

You can specify the version and network at the time of client creation. These values will be used as defaults for all subsequent API calls.

const client = new HistoriClient('<YOUR_API_KEY>', {
version: 'v1',
network: 'eth-mainnet'

If you want to override these defaults for a specific call, you can provide them as part of the arguments in individual methods. Example:

const allowance = await client.AllowanceService.getAllowance({
owner: '0xOwnerAddress',
spender: '0xSpenderAddress',
tokenAddress: '0xTokenAddress',
tag: 123456}
{ version:'v1', network: 'eth-mainnet' } // Override settings for this request

Here’s how to create a HistoriClient instance with options:

import HistoriClient from '@esscrypt/histori-sdk';

const client = new HistoriClient('<YOUR_API_KEY>', {
baseUrl: 'api.histori.xyz'
version: 'v1',
network: 'eth-mainnet',
debug: true,
enableRetry: true,
maxRetries: 3,
retryDelay: 3000, // 3 seconds
  • debug (boolean): Enables server logs for API calls. Very useful for development. Default: false.
  • baseUrl (string): The API baseUrl to use. Default is api.histori.xyz. You most likely don't need to set or change it.
  • version (string): The API version to use. Default is v1. Currently, only v1 is supported.
  • network (string): The blockchain network to connect to. Default is eth-mainnet. Currently, only eth-mainnet is supported.
  • enableRetry (boolean): Enables retrying API calls on rate limit errors (HTTP 429). Default: true.
  • maxRetries (number): Sets the number of retries on rate limit errors. Requires enableRetry to be true. Default: 2.
  • retryDelay (number): Sets the delay (in ms) before retrying on rate limit errors. Requires enableRetry to be true. Default: 2000.

All methods in the SDK throw errors with a standardized format. Example:

"message": "Detailed error message(s), explaining how to correctly send the request",
"error": "Not Found|Bad Request"
"status": 404

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check out the issues page for open tasks.

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This project is licensed under the MIT license.